AI in Video games : Virtual beings and their Implementation

PARTNER: Stockholm Syndrome AI

What is the difference between game AI and machine learning and how are they both used to create fake humans for an audience of real humans. Learn about virtual beings and their use in video games.


Jun 14 2022


13h30 - 14h00


AI Showcase,
Exploration & Innovation


  • Stéphanie Bouchard
    Stéphanie Bouchard
    CEO/Lead Game Designer

    For 14 years, Stéphanie Bouchard has worked as a System Designer in AAA, indie, academic research, R&D and freelance games. She worked on all types of games, with all kinds of constraints, with or without budget. After 8 years as a generalist, she fell in love with creating fake homicides and decided to specialize in artificial intelligence.
    In fact, someone has to make Black Mirror a reality!
    Distant dystopian futures don’t just happen, it’s a lot of work and CARDIO!

  • Vi Tching de Lille
    Vi Tching de Lille
    Machine Learning Programmer
  • François Alain
    François Alain
    Lead programmer
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