Isabella Salas

Artist and Creative Producer at Isabella Salas Studio



Born and raised in Mexico City, Isabella moved to Montreal, Canada in 2001 to pursue her major in Film Production at Concordia University, specializing in ways of seeing and experimental filmmaking at the EICTV in Cuba.
Her 20 years professional experience in film, tv, multimedia and entertainment industries and her avid curiosity for technology have given her an unique insight of the evolution of the conception, production, and multi platform distribution models as a native to this giant leap in the media and entertainment industries.
Salas’ artworks use artificial intelligence, video, synthesized sound, video projection and installation as medium to create digital multi sensory experiences.
She has been recently nominated for the first CIFO-Ars Electronica Award, cycle 2022, and selected as committee for Composite MTL.
Her work and collaborations have been presented internationally at MUTEK, Ars Electronica, Immers(ed) UK, Gamma Festival (RU), TransArt Festival (IT), Voltaje Festival (COL). Polaris Music Awards 2020, Espronceda Instituto de Arte y Cultura (BCN), and more recently at the 1st LATAM Biennale of Artificial Intelligence for a Sustainable World in Mexico City.


Jun 14 - 15 2022


Isabella Salas Studio
Isabella Salas Studio

At ISS we dedicate our efforts to sustainability, social engagement, wellness and accessibility of artech and culture to less privileged communities using AI. Our main objective is to reduce bias and decolonize technology while we explore materials, data and mediums to make impactful cross-industry collaborations worldwide.

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